intimateion pair 意味

  • intimateion pair


        a pair:    a pair 一番 ひとつがい
        pair:     1pair n. 一対, ひと組; ひと組の男女, 夫婦, ひとつがい; ひと組の片方. 【形容詞 名詞+】 I'll get you another pair of shoes. 靴をもう一足買ってあげよう The bridal pair started on their honeymoon after the reception. 新婚の夫婦は披露宴のあとで新婚
        pair of:    《a ~》一組{ひとくみ}の~、一対{いっつい}の~ I need a pair of socks. 靴下が一組欲しい。
        pair with:    ~とペアを組む
        a pair (footwear):    a pair (footwear) 一足 いっそく
        a pair (of chopsticks):    a pair (of chopsticks) 一膳 いちぜん
        a pair (of screens):    a pair (of screens) 一双 いっそう
        a pair of balances:    a pair of balances てんびん[基礎]
        address pair:    《コ》アドレスの組合せ
        adjacency pair:    隣接対{りんせつ たい}
        antenna pair:    アンテナ対
        antiquark pair:    反クォーク対
        association pair:    連想対{れんそう つい}
        astatic pair:    astatic pair 無定位対[基礎]
        atom pair:    原子対{げんし たい}


  1. "intimate the fact to sb" 意味
  2. "intimate the possibility of taking military action" 意味
  3. "intimate ties" 意味
  4. "intimate to someone that" 意味
  5. "intimate topic" 意味
  6. "intimately" 意味
  7. "intimately associated" 意味
  8. "intimately connected to global peace and stability" 意味
  9. "intimately connected with" 意味
  10. "intimate to someone that" 意味
  11. "intimate topic" 意味
  12. "intimately" 意味
  13. "intimately associated" 意味

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